A decade ago, internet video was a complete disaster; you could spend days downloading a 5-minute video the size of a postage stamp, only to have it stutter along when you finally played the movie on your computer. Those days are thankfully gone, but the desire to watch a fan film in high-quality video on [...]
Also tagged in: Books, broken allegiance, contract of evil, Cool videos, dvd, DVD burning, Entertainment, Fan Cinema Today, Fan Film, fan films, fancinematoday.com, Fandom, fanfilm, fanfilms, Film, Filmmaking, Films, home movies, Home Video, Homemade Hollywood, Homemade Hollywood: Fans Behind The Camera, Imperial Chopper, journeyman, knightquest, Lightsaber, movie, Moviemaking, movies, reign of the fallen, revelations, Star Trek, Star Wars, Technology, the dark redemption, the planet with no name, video, Video Camera, Video Cameras, Videocamera, Videocameras, Videos |
I have lots of little news items that have been lying around, and for some reason, they all concern countries other than the one that monopolizes fan films—the U.S. I meant to give each of these its own massive post, but I think a general catch-all is in order instead, like a giant meeting of [...]
Also tagged in: Arkham Asylum, Bad Boy, Batman, Captain Harlock, Fan Film, fan films, fanfilms.ru, Fanimatrix, frank miller, Gollum, Lord of the Rings, Moonraker 78, New Zealand, Russia, Slaine the Horned God, Spain, U.K., UK Fan Film Festival |
In the wake of San Diego Comic Con, I put FCT on a week-long moratorium when it came to anything related to Star Wars, The Dark Knight or the SDCC; needed to cleanse the palate a bit, ’cause eating too much hype ain’t good for you. Now we’re going to re-introduce those topics to our [...]
Hey, welcome back to The Fan Cinema Today Pre-Game Show for the Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge Awards Ceremony! Tonight is the big event at the San Diego Comic Con, so now I’ll foolhardily try to guess who will take home the gold, even though I haven’t watched all 41 entries in the contest. Who’s [...]
Also tagged in: Atomfilm, Bruce Cockburn, chad vader, Fan Film, Fan Film Awards, fan films, George Lucas, Greedo, Juno, lucasfilm, mashup, Modesto, Pink Five, pitching lucas, San Diego Comic Con, SDCC, Star Wars, star wars fan movie challenge |
Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge Returns
Well, it’s that time of year again—the time when the voting opens up for the annual Star Wars Fan Film Awards Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge (I still like the old name better). If you wanna cast your ballot for the Audience Choice Award, vote by July 10; winners will be announced at the San [...]
News: Ryan Vs. Dorkman 2 Finally Hits
Well, enough with the hype–Ryan Vs. Dorkman II is here. At this writing, it’s been online at YouTube for 10 hours and has just under 2,500 views so far. Frankly, I expected more hits, but they’ve also made the clip available in High-Def at Stage 6, so that’s probably siphoning off viewers. On the other [...]
News: Ryan Vs. Dorkman II Online Tonight
It’s still morning-time here on March 1, but I’m already getting a few emails along the lines of “Where’s Ryan Vs. Dorkman 2? I thought it was coming out today. Are they OK?” Like I would know. Word on the street (OK, on the RVD2 thread at the TFN fan film forum) is that the [...]
The second NY Comic Convention was a hit this past weekend, sloughing off the bad planning and extreme crowd control that marred the inaugural 2006 edition. Instead, this year’s event gave fans what they’d wanted all along–a great con with lots to do, whether you were a collector, gamer, cosplay enthusiast or even a fan [...]
Last year saw the debut of the New York Comic Con, and it was the biggest thing to hit NYC since King Kong punched a few picture windows in the side of the Empire State Building. The city that never sleeps hadn’t had a proper, full-on con in years, and it was greeted with great [...]
After doing the big write-up on RVD2 yesterday, I realized that I hadn’t seen the original Ryan Vs. Dorkman in a few years, so as the week builds to the premiere of the sequel on Saturday, I figured it would be a good opportunity to go back and revisit the original. It’s probably pointless to [...]