Chris Bouchard, director of The Hunt For Gollum
The Hunt For Gollum, the long-awaited fan film based on J.R.R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings trilogy has been released online. The fan film is based on appendices to the classic trilogy, following Aragorn/Strider as he tracks down, well, Gollum.
While director Chris Bouchard had initially suggested the fan film would run 45 minutes, it’s a shorter 38:11. There’s four minutes of end credits, but they’re worth watching for behind-the-scenes footage and so forth, served up on the side of the screen.
Most Dailymotion videos can be “embeded” on an outside website, meaning that usually I’d be able to share the fan film here on Fan Cinema Today, but Dailymotion has marked the video as “private,” so that you have to watch it there. Click HERE to see it at the site.
Mac users who want to watch a grainy version of the fan film on DVD can right-click HERE to download the film; rename the film as an .MP4 file, then you can drop it into iMovie and subsequently iDVD. That said, Fan Cinema Today has long been an anti-piracy advocate, and strenuously does not support or condone illegal selling of fan films; this solution is offered solely as a viewing alternative (for instance, so you can share the fan film with your grandpa who’s a big LOTR fan, but he only his dial-up at his house).
So what did you think of the fan film? Give your review below!
And don’t miss 6 Lord of the Rings Fan Films Besides ‘Hunt For Gollum’.
I watched it at dailymotion because it was impossible to connect to The Hunt for Gollum.
I only can say KUDOS! to Chris Brouchard and his team. This is an awesome and stunning movie. Good characters, great atmosphere, good story.
It’s superb! Major congrats to Chris B. and his cast and crew!